gondolaquest | 1.74

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GONDOLA takes a closer look at the various PAINTINGS adorning the walls. Could one of these be our "gui frame"?

SCREEN PAINTING. GONDOLA twists about in a familiar distortion, casting warm light into the room. It recalls mindless moments spent brushing against prickly air.
FACTORY PAINTING. Pixel-perfect GONDOBOTS emerge from a pixel-perfect machine. Its regularity is broken by a single puff of smoke, which curls timidly inward.
FIGHT PAINTING. The setting sun eclipses itself. Two fighters join in a tense standoff, their resolve mirrored by a stark cityscape.
SEA PAINTING. GONDOLA floats about with no apparent urgency. Towering clouds rise from the vast flatness of the sea; a lone airplane cuts through its calm turbulence.
BEAR PAINTING. GONDOLA is welcomed by a family of... MORE REALISTIC BEARS. Their soft fur presses against the window frame, beckoning the viewer with kindness and warmth.

MOUNTAIN PAINTING. The central GONDOLA averts his eyes from the viewer's gaze. What is he hiding...?